
Agile Coaching . Implementation . Scrumframe

Everybody is talking agile. In fact, agile approaches proofed to be of use. But it's not that simple to implement and run them in practical life. It's recommended to take a close look at the prospective area of application. We need careful consideration what type of set-up agile needs and how the organisation has to adapt.

Scrum Coaching

milestone coaches Scrum teams on their way to excellence. As consultants we support teams to apply methods and instruments, to clarify roles and responsibilities and to improve their practice. Type, scope and contents of the coaching will be defined and refined together with the very team. If appropriate we also give advice to the management levels to support the best set-up.


Agile projects need explicit roles and specific working conditions in order to provide the full potential of Scrum. milestone advices companies regarding the implementation and further development of agile approaches. Our procedure starts with a careful analysis of the fit of agile approaches for a specific project. Then we do a intense survey on the current situation and conclude with a qualified recommendation of specific organisational measures.


Not each and every company runs its core business in the form of projects, not all companies are software enterprises. But Scrum has high potentials for projects in every industry. If not for the very weakness of Scrum to focus only on the level of teamwork.

SCRUMFRAME offers a solid governance framework able to embed the dynamic of Scrum teams in every type of organisation, and by the way it is able to direct hybrid projects. Originally it has been developed for enterprises in highly regulated industries, like Banks. But it is also of high value for all organisations planning to run their projects in an agile way without transforming the whole core business into agile.