
  • Publications
This is what the new Prince2 brings

This article goes into the innovations of PRINCE2 7 in great detail, describes theml and gives a thorough assessment. The article is intended for readers who are already familiar with Prince2.

In: projektmagazin, 13.12.2023,

  • Publications
Das neue PRINCE2 7 ist da

The article provides an overview of the current innovations in the method in geman language.

in: IT Welt, 18.09.2023,

  • Publications
PRINCE2: Foundation certificates must also be renewed

With the beginning of 2023, some rules of the PRINCE2 certifications have changed. In this article, I describe the changes and briefly introduce the certification levels.

  • Publications
Scrumframe - That's how PRINCE2 and Scrum become a dream team. Part 2: How the combined framework will work

I showed in the first part of the article why Scrum needs a frame and why PRINCE2 fits best for it. Now in the second and final part I am showing how to blend the two approaches by discussing all of the seven themes of Prince2. The use of Scrumframe is developed by using a real project scenario.

In: Projektmagazin 24.03.2021,

  • Publications
Scrumframe - That's how PRINCE2 and Scrum become a dream team. Part 1: There are good reasons to combine PRINCE2 and Scrum.

When developing new products, you want to profit from the dynamics of Scrum and integrate it to your organization? SCRUMFRAME sets the frame for Scrum using the concepts of PRINCE2. You gain transparency and controllability for the organization as well as head space for the Scrum teams.

In: Projektmagazin, 10.03.2021,

  • Publications
That's why PRINCE2 and SCRUM can be combined.

When introducing the new version of PRINCE2 we were told that PRINCE2 cares much more about agile approaches. There are even voices within the community saying that PRINCE2 had been agile for ever since. Let us take a closer look.

In: Projektmagazin, 22.11.2019, (German)

  • Publications
What's new with the new PRINCE2?

This article gives a summary of the changes in the methodology between PRINCE2 2009 and PRINCE2 2017 UPDATE as well as the changes in the manual. This article also highlights the experience of two years practice with the new certification exams.

In: ProjektMagazin, 21.6.2019, (German)

  • Publications
What Project Managers will learn from Poiliticians

"(...) Focus your attention on the people, their relationships and interactions, their motives and interests, their power and their alliances. If you are proficient in this discipline, you will win others over and take them on your journey. You can take different, perhaps unfamiliar, perspectives: In the role of marketer, you focus on attracting and retaining customers. As a speculator you take controlled risks to make a profit. But what I recommend to you: Act like a politician! As a project politician, you carefully analyse where the centres of power are (...)"

In: ProjektMagazin, 3.5.2019, (German)

  • Publications
PRINCE2 Update

The long-announced new version of PRINCE2 was introduced in mid-2017. The German version will be out in a few weeks - we will give a preview of the main changes.

Hans-Peter Ritt: Prince2 Update, In: Computerwelt 13.05.2018

  • Publications
Don't forget your stakeholders!

With different projects, be it change projects or classic projects, the focus is often too much on the tasks to be performed and the goals to be achieved. But the environment plays a key role in deciding whether the venture will be a success or not. Involving the stakeholders at an early stage and in a planned manner is usually the most important success factor. The article describes a process model in six steps. This guideline helps you to actively integrate your environment and to lead your stakeholders to personal commitment to your project.

Hans-Peter Ritt: Vergessen Sie Ihre Stakeholder nicht! Sechs Schritte zur Integration Ihrer Stakeholder, In: Magazin Training, Sept. 2014: